Green Café film Special; David Attenborough - A Life on Our Planet - Retrospective

Type: Eenmalige activiteit

On tuesday 1st of february, a new Green Café took place at the Klokgebouw. After the opening by Mayra Ortega-Maldonado, from Art + Tech Society, we watched the film 'a life on our planet' by David Attenborough. We were shown the loss of nature through the evolutionary history of humans on Earth, and concluded with an inspirational vision for the future to turn the tide.

Green Café film Special; David Attenborough - A Life on Our Planet - Retrospective

Afterwards, attendees engaged in a conversation about the film, led by Nuno Curado. While some were hopeful after the film, there were also some critics among us who thought that there are still some difficult points. Not everyone has the privilage to choose sustainable options. There was also recognition from some; they have seen nature disappear over the years where they grew up decades ago. We agreed on one thing; everyone can do something, and that gives hope.


Did not see the film yet? The Green Café team strongly recommends the film, you can watch it via Netflix.

Want to keep up to date with our Green Café event? We have a news letter! You can sign up here. The next one will take place on sunday 17th of march, stay tuned for more info.

Foto's; Bea Straver