Repair Café Gestel

Type: Repairing

Repair Cafés are free-to-attend gatherings that revolve around repairing (together). At the location where the Repair Café is held, tools and materials are available to carry out all kinds of repairs. The Repair Café Gestel is located in community centre 't Slot on Kastelenplein in Gestel. They repair a.o. electrical household appliances, garden tools, lighting, computers, clocks. Their seamstress can adjust or repair your clothes.


Repair Café Gestel

Good to know: They ask for a financial contribution, but you decide how much. From this, they pay the rent and buy new tools.

Open every Friday from 2pm to 4.30pm.
Appliances can be handed in until 4pm.

Every 3rd Saturday of the month from 13.00 to 16.00, except in July and August.

Photo: Repair Café Gestel