Repair Café Woensel

Type: Repairing

Repair Cafés are free-to-attend gatherings that revolve around repairing (together). At the location where the Repair Café is held, tools and materials are available to carry out all kinds of repairs. The Repair Café Woensel is located in Societeit Andromeda. They repair all kinds of household electronics, as well as clocks.
If you need a part, they can order it for you. Do pay in advance. they do not repair TVs, computers, white goods or bicycles, and do not do textiles.


Repair Café Woensel

Good to know: Repairs are carried out as much as possible by the visitors themselves, if necessary with help from the repair experts present. The use of new materials such as cords, plugs, fuses, ready-made knee pieces or applications requires separate payment. In addition, they always appreciate a voluntary contribution. 

Open every Friday 2pm to 4.30pm.
Appliances can be handed in until 4pm.

During the opening we can be reached by phone under tel. 0683111246. You can also email

More information about special opening hours around summer and holidays can be found on the website.

Picture: Repair Café Woensel